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Sanctuary Bathrooms Adolygiadau













ratings over the past year

Mae Sanctuary Bathrooms wedi ymuno’n ddiweddar â Feefo felly bydd eu gwefan yn arddangos deunydd adolygu mae Feefo yn ogystal â’u darparwr blaenorol yn eu caffael.
Arddangos pob 94 adolygiad

Mae’n ddrwg gennym, dim adolygiadau wedi eu canfod

Rhowch gynnig ar newid meini prawf yr hidlydd neu ailosodwch yr hidlydd.

Am Sanctuary Bathrooms
Sanctuary isn’t just a brand name. It’s the way we see bathrooms – areas of solitude, relaxation, an oasis. It’s an escape from the rat-race, downtime after a hard day, an escape away from family life, or simply just an hour’s soak for a bit of YOU time. We want to give that to you. Bathrooms aren’t just functional areas. They matter. They matter for health and wellbeing, both physical and mental. And because we’ve been in this industry for decades – 40 years of experience precisely – we know what our customers want, and more importantly what will make your bathroom your Sanctuary. We are not a faceless company or owned by a big brand. We’re family-owned and family-run. We’re ordinary people just like you. That means that your expectations are our expectations. Your dreams are our dreams. No matter who you are or where you’re from, we care about you and want to give you the bathroom you desire.
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Unit 5-7 Evans Business Centre,, Albion Park, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 2EP, United Kingdom
Why trust Feefo reviews?

Am Sanctuary Bathrooms
Sanctuary isn’t just a brand name. It’s the way we see bathrooms – areas of solitude, relaxation, an oasis. It’s an escape from the rat-race, downtime after a hard day, an escape away from family life, or simply just an hour’s soak for a bit of YOU time. We want to give that to you. Bathrooms aren’t just functional areas. They matter. They matter for health and wellbeing, both physical and mental. And because we’ve been in this industry for decades – 40 years of experience precisely – we know what our customers want, and more importantly what will make your bathroom your Sanctuary. We are not a faceless company or owned by a big brand. We’re family-owned and family-run. We’re ordinary people just like you. That means that your expectations are our expectations. Your dreams are our dreams. No matter who you are or where you’re from, we care about you and want to give you the bathroom you desire.