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Eden Ashram 評論


Premium Sustainable Clothing For Yogis













過去一年 則評價

Eden Ashram 不再是 Feefo 的活躍客戶
kathy PLE
9 months ago
交易日期: 19/11/2023
kathy PLE說了有關 Eden Ashram:
Livraison rapide Article confirme à la description, bonne qualité , j’adore !!!!
Sarah Elliott
9 months ago
交易日期: 18/11/2023
Sarah Elliott說了有關 Eden Ashram:
Lovely t shirt
Michelle Egginton
9 months ago
交易日期: 16/11/2023
Michelle Egginton說了有關 Eden Ashram:
Black Friday deal is excellent & T-shirts came on time & beautifully packaged.

********************* Baker
9 months ago
交易日期: 16/11/2023
********************* Baker說了有關 Eden Ashram:
I love it,feel like I have my Angel wings around me
Bahar Nagi
9 months ago
交易日期: 16/11/2023
Bahar Nagi說了有關 Eden Ashram:
Looks great

9 months ago
交易日期: 16/11/2023
Always fantastic service from Eden Ashram. They are instant to respond to any queries. The products are of extremely high quality standards.

9 months ago
交易日期: 14/11/2023
Extremely unhelpful. Snotty. Will never support this brand again
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Customer Service Team
Eden Ashram
9 months ago
Dear Lisa Miller Thank you so much for your poor review, which given your recent communications with our helpful team does not come as any surprise. From the outset, it was clear you had not read our website regarding how we create premium, ethical, and sustainable products for our generally wonderful customers, by making all our beautiful items to order which normally we complete within 5 working days of a customer placing the order. Nor did you read our shipping page where we detail the approximate shipping times to each country when the products are complete. You complained you had not received the order in the U.S. just a few days after you had placed the order despite the shipping time on its own to the U.S. being 7-10 working days. Our helpful award-winning customer support advised you of the process and what your expected delivery date was (7th December), but also that it looked like your order was in fact ahead of that schedule and you would be getting your products sooner. This turned out to be correct as I can now also see your order was in fact delivered a massive 9 days ahead of the expected delivery date on the 28th November. Most customers on learning this information might have actually apologised to our team for their earlier outburst that was clearly rude, unfair, and unfounded, and then also be happy to hear their order was ahead of schedule and would be with them soon. But oh no, not you. Despite our team working hard to produce and dispatch your order in double quick time, and our delivery partner delivering quicker than their advised schedule to you in America, you can still find the ability to provide a disgustingly ridiculous, inaccurate, lying review of both the service we provided and the products we created for you. Your bitterness and negativity overflows as clear as day and we feel sorry for those who know you and are around you, as you are clearly someone with internal anger issues that need sorting. You need help and the world needs fewer people like you. It’s disgraceful of you that you would leave us such a review and allege that we were being ‘snotty’. It's disgraceful and you should feel ashamed of yourself. We accept your offer that you will never shop with us again. This is actually one of the only truthful things that was in your review. You are not welcome back, and we will not waste our time ever producing a beautiful product for you again. We truly hope you can find the help you so clearly need. Team Eden Ashram

9 months ago
交易日期: 13/11/2023
Took too long to arrive, sizing out and very strong smell off of item
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Customer Service Team
Eden Ashram
9 months ago
Hi there Thanks so much for your feedback. As a young, independent brand, that is set up to do great things for our customers and our planet, it’s never nice to read negative reviews like yours, especially given the amount of hard work and dedication I know our entire team and global partners put in to making things perfect. Thankfully reviews like this are rare for us. As a small fashion brand, it’s difficult to compete against the giants of the high street but we truly believe that the products we make and the things we do are worthwhile, and that in time, all fashion businesses will work this way. They will have to. Our customer support team are always on hand to help on any questions you may have and alleviate any concerns, as in almost every case we can provide explanations or deal with any problems directly rather than deal with you over a 3rd party review site. However, as you have chosen to communicate with us publicly in this way please allow me to deal with the ‘issues’ you have mentioned. The foundation of our business is built on the notion of giving back more than we take. This isn’t easy and means we have to work very hard and in specific ways to minimise waste and to only use ethical and sustainable products along with our carbon offset program and our eco pledging linked to every product. Also, a large important part of how we operate is that we manufacture ALL products to order. We don’t hide behind this fact, in fact we celebrate it and make it clear across our website, as by operating this way it means we do not have the usual waste of the earth's valuable resources on products and services that other brands have that simply sit on shelves in heated warehouses waiting to be sold. We only use what we need, when we need it, and it reduces our company’s waste to almost zero, which is market-leading for this sector. This does mean a short delay on everybody’s order whilst we make the products you wanted. But we believe this is worth it for the environmental and sustainability benefits it brings. The quickest route is rarely the best route. We do this pretty quickly though and ask for 5 working days from your order date to make your products, although the exact time it takes will depend on many factors, not least what you have ordered and also how busy we are (e.g Black Friday is a particularly busy time). This production time is detailed on multiple pages of our website and on every single product page on every single product. You say your items took too long to arrive. When I look at your order I can see that your order was made, prepared, and then dispatched to you within 6 working days of you placing the order. Royal Mail then delivered your order 3 days later. So, in total it took 9 working days from you placing your order, to us delivering it to you during one of the world’s busiest shopping periods of the year. I’m sorry if you feel this is too long, but I think given all the circumstances of how we produce products and the timing of your order, I think we all did pretty well. Moving on to your other points. You say our sizing is out. On this point, I can assure you it is not. We have rigorously tested and fitted every single product we make to ensure sizing is correct. It’s not in our interest as an online brand to provide inaccurate size data as it will simply result in everything being returned to us, which it is not. You purchased one of our best-selling sweatshirt products that we use across a number of different designs and have sold thousands to happy customers. Rest assured if the sizing was out, as you claim, we would know about it and would fix it. But we have not had to as we provide accurate and detailed on sizing to all customers regarding our products. You also mention a ‘chemical’ smell. We deal with this in our F.A.Q’s but will cover this again here for you. Firstly, we don’t use any harsh or environmentally unsound ‘chemicals’ on our products. We only use premium eco-friendly water-based inks on our garments. However, after printing, our garments are then 'baked' to set the ink. This process where garments are moved through a ‘grill’ can give off a slight odour from the ink garment and some of this can sometimes be retained when the item is then bagged in its protective compostable packaging before being sent to you. This odour is completely harmless and will disappear once removed from the bag and left to air or after the first wash. All printed products from all brands will smell like this initially, but you only notice on ours as they have been freshly created just for you just a few days earlier. Moving on, you say our print and letting is poor quality. Again, this is simply not the case as our prints are printed using only the finest eco-friendly prints that are available in the market and all are of the highest quality. We use the finest printing machines available on the planet to produce our products and there is simply not a better printing option currently available to anyone or any brand regardless of their size. Our products are award-winning and every product we make has either perfect customer feedback or close to a perfect 5-star feedback. If you feel you have a defective product then please let our team know and we can investigate. Of course, if you have received any item from us that does not meet our own exacting premium standards, then we will replace the product for you without any problem. All customers should always expect a premium quality ethical and sustainably produced product from us always, and if something is not to that standard, rest assured we will act and put it right. So, I hope this has added some clarity and back story regarding what we do and why your order was delivered when it was and smelled like it did. I’m sorry you feel our work deserves 1 star. But there you go. Still, if you believe you have received a defective product from us then let us know and we will still get this sorted for you. But please do this directly with our customer support team at where our friendly team are always on hand to assist. Regards Lou Lou

10 months ago
交易日期: 13/10/2023
Die Shirts sind wunderschön, jedoch sehr truer, pro shirt kamen dann noch ca 20€ Zoll dazu... Habe einmal bestellt und leider nie wieder.. 70 pro Shirt ist dann viel zu viel
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Customer Service Team
Eden Ashram
9 months ago
Hallo Vielen Dank für Ihre kürzliche Bewertung, auch wenn wir zu unserer Enttäuschung gelesen haben, dass für Ihre Artikel Einfuhrzölle erhoben wurden. Dies sollte nicht passieren, da wir für alle Bestellungen für unsere EU-Kunden ALLE Zölle im Voraus bezahlen. Daher ist klar, dass das deutsche Zollteam Ihr Paket nicht korrekt bearbeitet hat. Das tut uns sehr leid und wir sind genauso frustriert wie Sie darüber, dass das passiert ist. Kann ich Sie bitten, uns eine Kopie der von Ihnen bezahlten Zollrechnung zuzusenden, damit wir untersuchen können, was passiert ist? Wir möchten Sie als Kunden auf keinen Fall verlieren und wie bereits erwähnt, sollten Sie beim Einkauf bei uns nichts extra bezahlen müssen. Bitte leiten Sie die Details an mich weiter und ich werde mich bei Ihnen melden. Ich habe Ihnen auch direkt eine E-Mail gesendet (bitte überprüfen Sie den Spam-/Junk-Ordner!) Wir freuen uns von Ihnen zu hören Mit freundlichen Grüße Lou Lou

Johanna Nol
10 months ago
交易日期: 16/10/2023
Johanna Nol說了有關 Eden Ashram:
Très mauvaise qualité. Après le premier lavage l’inscription est partie. Pour un sweat à 95€ c’est une honte !!!
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Customer Service Team
Eden Ashram
10 months ago
Bonjour Johanna Merci beaucoup pour votre avis Je dois admettre que toute notre équipe est un peu surprise et déçue que vous ayez ressenti le besoin de partager une si mauvaise évaluation de notre entreprise, de nos produits et de nos services, compte tenu de la façon dont nous avons traité le problème que vous nous avez soulevé, ce qui a été rapide. et désolé. Nous avons travaillé avec vous pour résoudre le problème rapidement. Vous avez raison, il y a eu un problème avec votre impression. Nous sommes d'accord. Nous vendons uniquement des produits haut de gamme et cette impression sur votre produit n'est pas acceptable. Cependant, comme vous le savez, nous avons rapidement résolu ce problème pour vous et vous enverrons un produit de remplacement. Nous n’avons pas contesté votre réclamation. Nous l'avons accepté. Nous produisons des milliers de vêtements chaque semaine et 99,99 % d'entre eux sont parfaits comme nous l'espérons. Mais comme dans toute entreprise, il peut arriver de temps en temps que de petits problèmes surviennent, par exemple avec l'impression sur votre vêtement. Comme le problème s'est présenté après l'avoir lavé, ce n'était pas quelque chose qui aurait été évident pour notre équipe de contrôle qualité, c'est pourquoi il a été considéré comme un article parfait lorsque nous vous l'avons envoyé. Même ainsi, nous ne pensons pas que vous devriez accepter ce produit, tout comme nous ne l’acceptons pas non plus. Et encore une fois, c'est pourquoi nous le remplaçons pour vous et ne vous demandons pas non plus de retourner le vêtement que vous possédez. N’est-ce pas la réponse que vous attendez d’un détaillant haut de gamme de produits haut de gamme ? Convenir avec vous que l'article que vous aviez n'était pas conforme à nos normes attendues et le remplacer immédiatement pour vous? Si tel est le cas, je suis désolé que vous trouviez inacceptable notre approche rapide, amicale et empathique pour traiter votre requête. Cependant, nous continuerons à proposer cette même approche à tout client qui recevrait de notre part un produit qui ne répond pas aux normes exemplaires que nous fixons pour nos produits haut de gamme. Chaque client doit s’attendre à recevoir à chaque fois un produit haut de gamme parfait, sans faute. Dans le cas où un client recevrait un produit de qualité inférieure, nous le remplacerons immédiatement, comme nous l'avons fait avec vous. Et à en juger par les plus de 800 avis 5 étoiles sur nos produits et notre équipe de support client, nous réussissons dans presque toutes les occasions. Je suis désolé que tu te sentes différemment. Salutations Lou Lou

關於Eden Ashram
Eden Ashram does fashion differently. We produce premium, sustainable, ethically made clothing that look and feel amazing. Eco-friendly packaging & carbon neutral deliveries as standard.
86-90 Paul Street, London, Greater London, EC2A 4NE, United Kingdom

Feefo Trusted Service Awards


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關於Eden Ashram
Eden Ashram does fashion differently. We produce premium, sustainable, ethically made clothing that look and feel amazing. Eco-friendly packaging & carbon neutral deliveries as standard.